Thursday, July 14, 2011

My Journey Begins - Again

I begin, or should I say continue, my pathway to health. I am not as healthy as I should be, as I want to be. I don't sleep well, although this is not new, it is not healthy, this causes me to be tired all or most of the time. I am able to function but not always to the level that I would like. I have previously been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, although it is not an ongoing hindrance to my daily living. I have made a conscious decision to make changes that will lead to having a healthy body, mind, and soul. I believe that we are whole people, that we cannot focus on one part and ignore the others without consequences.

One of the changes that I am making is to dramatically change my diet. I have belonged to Weight Watchers,, for years and really like their eating programs, the new PointsPlus is the best to date, focusing even greater on whole foods, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy oils. Following the basics of the Weight Watcher plan I am going to opt for a vegetarian diet. 

I do not enter into this change lightly. I have done hours and hours worth of research on diets, what foods are the best (and worst), what diseases they may help prevent or reverse. It has been recommended that I eat a diet higher in protein, lower carbohydrates and fats. Previously when I had eaten this way my focus for protein had been chicken or fish. It really did help, I did feel better, had more energy. But when I wasn't paying as close attention, even when I was focused on staying on the Weight Watcher's program, I didn't feel as well. 

It was having a friend talk about his journey towards veganism that brought it all into focus. I began to think that I too could eat less or no animal products. I had often thought about adopting a vegetarian type diet, now seems like a good time. Realizing that "lean proteins" don't have to be animal, but that beans, legumes, tofu, etc are an even better choices which will give me the needed nutrients that my body needs to become and remain healthy.

I plan on tracking my eating, health, and weight loss journey, mainly for my own self-awareness and journey to health but all are welcome to share my journey with me.  Hopefully through my journey others will be encouraged and will focus on their own health and eating habits. Welcome to my journey.

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