Thursday, July 21, 2011


I noticed the past couple of afternoons that I haven't been tired and in a desperate need of a nap.  Yesterday I thought, "It's 4:30, I need to go home, maybe take a nap before dinner, I'm so tired." Then I realized..."No, I'm not tired at all!" I had enough energy to go finish up some work I had been postponing, then went home and cook a fabulous dinner of whole wheat pasta with homemade sauce.

This afternoon I started to drink a cup of coffee, there is always some made in the office, and realized that I wasn't tired and I really didn't want the coffee - I did want some water and a pear - it was a refreshing snack.

Even though I haven't been behind in my work, I'm just not ahead as I would like to be. I got more done this afternoon than in the past few days combined. A couple of weeks ago I felt like I was moving in slow motion, today I feel like I think I should, enough energy to get through all the details of redundant paperwork.

On Thursday's I always eat lunch late because I go to a meeting right after work, then we all go out to dinner, making it after 8:00 most night before we get to eat. This afternoon, I realized about 2:00 I hadn't eaten lunch and I was getting hungry, so I ate my leftover tempeh fajitas (yummy). So tonight when it was decided we would go to the Olive Garden I knew I could make a vegan/vegetarian choice, I like the minestrone soup and salad. It was basically a good choice but the rest who ordered salad (and if you've ever eaten there you know they bring one big bowl for the whole table) wanted cheese on the salad and I asked to take mine before the cheese but the waitress was already dumping the cheese on it, so I thought I could dig down and get some off the bottom but someone decided that it should all be mixed, so the cheese was throughout it. I did have a bit but when the next bowl was brought I got some before the cheese was put on it. A couple of these people get frustrated with me for wanting to eat healthy as it is, I don't want them to know about my new plant-based diet - I know they will do what they can to try and sabotage me. I know that they would not be willing to follow such a diet, so I don't even want to talk to them about it.  I'm sure I'll feel different about this at some point, but for right now I'll just let the diet speak for itself, when I start loosing weight, when they see that I have more energy, when I feel great and not run down all the time, they will notice. When they ask, I will tell them.

It is interesting how some don't like it when others want to change their lifestyles for the better...interesting...

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